Award winners of IMS 2024 has been announced!

The awards were decided based on the evaluations conducted by the reviewers and session chairs during the 5th International Media Studies Symposium (IMS 2024), held as a hybrid event by the Akdeniz University Faculty of Communication from May 29-31, 2024. Below, you will find the details of the award winners and their respective paper titles. The recipient of the "Best Reviewer Award" was selected by the Symposium Executive and Organizing Committee after careful consideration. We extend our congratulations to the award winners of our Symposium, wishing them continued success.

Best Paper Award

* Prof. Dr. B. Pınar Özdemir [Ankara University] & Dr. Nazmul İslam [Ankara University]

“From Cultural to Public Diplomatic Scenes: The Future of AI as a Soft Power Instrument”

* Aleyna Zaim, Ph.D. Student [İstanbul University]; Asst. Prof. Dr. Yüksel Balaban [İstanbul University]; Lect. Dr. Fatih Özkoyuncu [İstanbul University]; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ceren Bilgici [İstanbul Kültür University], & Asst. Prof. Dr. Özge Özkök Şişman [İstanbul Kültür University]

“Yapay Zekânın Animasyon Sektöründeki Durumu ve Geleceği: İstanbul’daki Animasyon Stüdyoları Üzerine Bir Araştırma”

Most Promising Young Researcher Award

* Res. Asst. Dr. Umut Yener Kara [Hacettepe University]

“Kameralar, Robotlar ve Milli Savunma: Sosyo-Teknik Tahayyüller Perspektifinden Türkiye’de Yapay Zeka Konulu Çevrimiçi Haberler (2017-2023)”

* Marcell Mezriczky, Ph.D. Student [Corvinus University of Budapest]

“Nomen Est Omen – Systematic Literature Review Analysis of Deepfake Definitions in Q1 Communication Journals from SAGE Publications”

Most Innovative Paper Award

* Asst. Prof. Dr. Aynur Arslan [Ondokuz Mayıs University]

“İletişim Becerileri Dersi Öğrencilerinin Yüz Yüze, Sosyal Medya ve Yapay Zekâ Sohbet Robotuyla İletişim Algıları: Karşılaştırmalı Metafor Çalışması”

Best Reviewer Award

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aysel Ay [Marmara University]

Eklenme tarihi: 31.05.2024 19:03:24
Son güncelleme: 31.05.2024 19:03:24